While the title here would have made more sense if the blog changed to a red theme (something we're working on if time allows), what it's really describing is sense or urgency that entrepreneurs feel when we get excited about our new pet project.
You guys may have noticed that the last few posts this month have pretty much nothing in common; and you may be asking...
Is this blog about cars?
Yes but not exactly.
Is this blog about web design?
Well, right now it kinda is.
Alright guy, is this blog really about inspirational videos?
Whatever helps right?
The truth is, this blog has been jumping around (about topics that would bore your first date to tears) mainly because these are the hats entrepreneurs have to wear when starting a new venture. Well okay, part of it is probably b/c of my A.D.D. but for real, there are a lot to consider when you decide to dedicate your free time to work. I mean, what kind of crazy person choose to load themselves with MORE work after a long day?
They say ignorance is bliss and I would have to agree. The first time I started out back in college we launched a site in a few weeks. I did not take into consideration nearly as many futuristic variables as much as I am now. Which designer are we going to use? What width should the site be? How will we promote it? Where are we hosting it? Is 300gb's of space enough for 3 million cars' worth of pictures? Yeah, if this had been done years before, I would have been a lot more reactive than proactive; but it would have been short and sweet.
Is that bad? Not necessarily. If nothing else, a basic site would be up now and someone out there would be trying it out and telling me I did great job or to shove my P.O.S. site on to an unstable hard drive. (Hey, feedback is great either way!) Also, if you'll notice, a lot of what's being considered are things that can be fixed or upgraded as the need arises. Do I really need to worry about getting a world class server right now when we have a total of -2 users? Probably not. But yet I am and we'll probably write about it in our next post.
So anyway, why the red alert? Well, as I've mentioned in an earlier post, this past weekend I interviewed a guy for the position of CTO. The meet and greet with Randall went great and it's refreshing to finally meet someone that gets it both on the technical side but more importantly, the business side. For those of you that don't know what CTO means, it means that he will be effectively replacing my left side of the brain so I can focus more on other things instead of technical details of how to setup Linux or writing code. What a relief...
But since we've decided to collaborate on this venture; things have been moving close to double speed; which is welcomed but stressful. I'd be lying (and not doing enough) if I say things are calm. The good news is that positive energy and positive reinforcement charges my batteries (which explains the current video kick on entrepreneurial successes) but more importantly, it feels like this venture is headed somewhere and that it'll meet my virtual deadline!
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