Sunday, November 4, 2007

Wei is Mac'n It!

After years of swearing by PC's and receiving recommendations from friends that swear by Windows, .net and other MS technologies, I've finally decided to analyze my personal computing needs and ended up switching to the Mac. More specifically, I just bought a 15" MacBook Pro.

I must admit, my PC needs have changed over the years. What used to be games, programming, movies and music have now changed to music, emails and web. My needs have become simpler (more common) over the years and ironically, the one thing that would have kept me on a PC (gaming) has now been replaced by the Xbox 360; which leaves me free to do texting, web, email and PHOTOS on my iPhone and Mac. That's not to say the Mac can't do anything like programming or games, but that I think overall, OS X can do more of the things I need better than Windows.

It all started with the iPhone...Though, a lot of different things came together at the right time to make my switch happen. It all started with a simple announcement over 10 months ago about a certain iPhone. I watched then waited and finally got one after the price drop. My first impression? I was extremely impressed with the usability and intuitiveness of the phone; much more than my old Treo 650. From there, I became a bigger and bigger OS X fan and then met Randall who's all about Mac's. We even checked OS X server as a hosting option; something I hadn't considered since deciding on the Apache platform for our next website. However, it can make sense... since Linux distributions isn't something we understand and OS X in theory is more stable than various Linux distributions...

I'm sure we all know the common praises of the Macbooks so I won't get into the details here. I will say comparing the new laptop vs. my HP laptop, the MacBook has it beat on many levels. However, portability (thin and light body) is what sold it for me. I really can't stand to lug around a 8lb laptop any longer.

It was kind of a pain in the ass to pay the Apple tax buying the hardware and software combined. But maybe there's something to this... just look how well the Xbox 360 and its blades dashboard did! I really hope that some day Microsoft will also choose to stop supporting ancient hardware and make a non-bloated version of Windows. Let's face it, you can't please everyone; by choosing to try, you are costing yourself millions in tech support and are forced to write bloated software with thousands of drivers that results in an overall, poorer quality product. In the end, while you have volume, you are hurting your brand and your core product. That will result in... well, people jumping ships.

Anyway, it'll be interesting to see how the market shifts in the next couple of years. I still like Windows but it may be a different story once I figure out how to do everything I need to do on the Mac without the virtual Windows environment.

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