Sunday, September 16, 2007

The Funny Thing About Web Development...

It doesn't matter how many people are on your team or how much money you have backing your ventures... If you have a project in mind and you set a deadline, it seems without fail that the project will always take at least 2 times longer than your original plan.

Microsoft is constantly pushing back large launches of their software. Some of my current clients who do web dev. in house are pushing back re-launches months after the original proposed time line.

Is it poor planning? No, not necessarily. Then again, I've yet to work in a large scale launch where the time line is measured in years instead of weeks. I would assume even those long term projects suffer setbacks.

Is it under estimating the enormity of the job? I would venture to guess that at least 60% of the seasoned project managers know enough about the various technologies to estimate each job properly.

So what is it? That right there is the real mystery. Why is it that all projects take longer than the planned period? I know builders of some of the world's crazy sky scrapers have people working day and night and weekends to get the buildings up. While some software houses can be slave drivers (EA), it doesn't seem like they have a 24/7 crew pushing the release.

Either way, if someone knows the secret of the lost time, please share it with me.

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