Sunday, September 30, 2007

Seeking 2 Co-Founding Roles (Hacker and Buzz Maker)

About Me:
- Serial entrepreneur, never short of ideas. Created some useful and failed dot-com's in the past; learned from all of them. I now have what I believe is a great idea for a web service. The demand is constant, the advertisers' pockets for this vertical is pretty deep; overall, it could be a great thing.

What I'm Looking for:
Hacker - You know php, MySQL, html, ajax, CSS, JavaScript and all related scripting languages to help get the site off the ground. A design has already been established and I'm just looking for the right CTO person to make it all work. However, I want someone who has passion for their work, who isn't afraid to challenge the instructions if he knows of a better alternative. You should have some previous experience building large scale projects, code or blog for fun on your own time, and know the business implications of everything you do. If you are used to writing perfect code from the get-go and are willing to sacrifice the launch date by a few months to get it just right, then this position probably isn't a good fit for you. However, if you can write great code and realize it's an evolving process, contact me! I want a sprinter who can evolve into a marathon runner; not a sprinter who will burn out at the end of a 2 month intensive dev. cycle. (In all honesty, it's not even that intense.)

Buzz Maker
You can be a blogger, guerrilla marketer, SEO expert, a person with a ton of friends on Facebook and Myspace, a PR girl or guy or be a close friend of a celebrity. As long as your passion and talent lies in talking things up (whether it's the iPhone or celebrity gossip), then please contact me. I am *hoping* to get this new idea off the ground with a huge budget of $0. Can it be done? I'm hoping with the right person it can be. (*Actual budget amount may vary...)

I'm located in Atlanta Georgia. You don't necessarily have to be but if you are one of the two people above and are local to me, great!

I posted the following on Craigslist and Facebook groups about 2 weeks ago and have received great interest from a bunch of great people since. My goal was to write a smart ad that will appeal to other smarties and it seems like it has done the trick. From the people that I've had conversations with; one I actually met today at Emory for the hacker position. The meet and greet process went pretty well and I think we're both pretty pumped about the project. Now the search is on for the buzz maker.

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