Thursday, October 11, 2007

I think I'm sick in the head...

In the last month, my average bed time has been way past midnight. Whether it's Halo 3 or working on the new idea, it's just been keeping me up way past when I should be going to bed.

So what's the problem? Well, I'm actually loving it. There's something about an 18 hour work day that makes me feel really, REALLY productive. Never mind the fact that a good portion was probably spent on Facebook (doing research) and that during the morning I feel like a giant slug. Something about it just feels right to me.

On another note, I prematurely started a Facebook group supporting the new autos website. I figured: hey, it is possible to build buzz over a non-existent product (e.g. the Segway), so hopefully this will create good buzz and not backfire on us.

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